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My name is Ollie Tucker and I am campaigning for Youth Representative to the NEC. This means that if elected, I will be the executive member in charge of representing the views, and best interests, of the entirety of Young Labour. I will be able to exact change that really benefits you, the youth.


I have a simple, five point manifesto:


1. Increase Youth Membership of Labour.

The more young members we have, the better. Young people are the backbone of this party, and should be the driving campaign force that we can be. By keeping joining fees low, and making the party dynamic and exciting, I will increase our already 100,000-strong youth membership.


2. Youth-Accessible Meetings

As a very recent school leaver, I know it is hard to fit Labour Party committments around your social, learning and work life. I'm also someone who lives in the rural South-West, so I know the struggle of not being able to attend meetings because of distance or lack of public transport. That's why I'm campaigning for retaining flexible meeting options - such as Zoom - past the period of the pandemic.


3. Reinvigorate Young Labour

Young Labour has become notoriously factional and toxic. I want to change this. Through firm and principled leadership, I'll root out people who think it's okay to bully and intimidate others. I'll make sure that young Labour is inclusive and reinvigorated as a forum where young members are ready to and willing to broaden the socialist debate.


4. Up-skill Members

It can be super intimidating going to your first CLP meeting as a young person. It seems like everyone there is more experienced, older and more opinionated than you are. I know that this can lead to Young People feeling like they can't go to meetings, or feeling like they don't add anything. To change this, I want to introduce a free youth empowerment program for young people: training by Labour activists, for Labour activists. You'll learn transferable skills, and it'll give you better value for your membership.


5. Strive for Social and Environmental Justice

The NEC is the strategic body of Labour - that means that I won't have much of a direct say on policy. However, the National Policy Committee and NEC are closely linked, and if elected I will seek to influence the NPC and leadership into socially just and progressive policy, such as support for Black Lives Matter, and  push for a Green New Deal. Social Justice is what we Young People hold as gospel - so its only right that you are represented by someone passionate about it. You can trust in me as an ally for the LGBT+, Black, GRT and other minority communities across the UK. I know I can never fully comprehend my own privelige, but I can stand in solidarity with every single one of you, every single day of my position in office.

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